The Big Event 2021 — Trail Fundraiser
Join LCTA in celebration and support of our local trails and participate in our virtual scavenger hunt and rides.
Here are the options:
1. Trail Ride Competition. We’ll be looking at fastest times, most trails ridden during the event, and most miles completed — all on our local trails. We’ll utilize the LCTA club leaderboard on Strava to track information between July 16th at 8:00am and July 24th at 4:00pm. Winners will be announced July 24th and will receive some awesome prizes. We’ll post the trails that are available for this shortly before the event here and on our Facebook page.
2. Scavenger Hunt. Not interested in some friendly local competition? You can still participate! We’ll be hiding scavenger hunt items in various locations on our trail system. Find them, snap a photo of yourself with the item — and post it to club page on Strava! You'll receive a raffle ticket for each item you find.
Participation in either (or both) of the options is $35.
Be sure to spread the word!
Celebrate with us on:
July 24, 2021 at 5pm
Midtown Greenspace in CDA
813 N 4th St, Coeur D'Alene, ID 83814
LCTA Trail Competition Information and Instructions
1. DISCLAIMER: Note that you are participating in this event at your own risk. LCTA is not responsible for anything that may happen to you on the trails. We want everyone to have fun, but more importantly we want everyone to be SAFE. Please be aware of your surroundings and take appropriate precautions.
2. Download the Strava app to your phone. You do not need a paid Strava account to participate in this event. You can use the free account and LCTA can still track your participation.
3. Join the LCTA club on Strava. If you do not join the club, we won’t be able to see your information for the event. You can search in the club page on the app or go to
4. All entries for both the Trail Ride Competition and the Scavenger Hunt are only valid from July 16th to July 24th at 3:00pm. All entries after 3:00pm will not be counted.
5. Please be cognizant that all of the trails used for this competition are multi-use trails. Please be aware of other user groups and ensure that you are sharing the trails appropriately and being respectful to all users.
6. Stay on designated trails. Please help us preserve our natural areas and stay on designated trails. No scavenger hunt items will be located far off trails.
Trail Ride Competition
Log activities to Strava in order to participate in the Trail ride competition.
On the Strava app homepage, select “record” to start recording your effort for any of the segments listed below. You can also record activityfor any other trails and it will go towards the number of activities and total time efforts.
The following efforts will be tracked for the competition:
Most activities completed.
Total time completed.
Fastest segment time.
If you are competing for fastest time — please remember to be aware of other user groups, such as hikers. You will have just over 1 week to compete, and there for plenty of time to re-run trails. Stay safe and be respectful of other user groups. SLOW DOWN if you see other users ahead of you. Consider investing in a trail bell for your bike to alert other users in the area that you are near them.
The following segments will be tracked for fastest time:
“Cave trail descent” [Canfield Mountain]
“D descent to main road” [Canfield Mountain]
“Top of Trail 10 DH section straight down to Resolution Station” [Canfield Mountain]
“Caribou ridge to 257 trail head” [Mt. CDA]
Prize Claiming — You do not need to be present at our July 24th even to claim your prize, but you must claim no later than July 31st. Prizes will be awarded for the efforts mentioned above.
If claiming at the event — at 7:00pm on July 24th, winners of the above efforts will be announced. If your name is called, make your way to the LCTA booth to claim your prize.
If claiming after the event, please contact LCTA via Facebook, Instagram, or email to set-up a time to claim your prize.
Scavenger Hunt
There will be hidden LCTA logos along several local trails. Snap a photo of the LCTA logo and post to the Strava LCTA club page. You’ll receive a raffle ticketfor every item you find to be used at our in-person event on July 24th. Deadline for photos is 3pm on July 24th to be posted to Strava.
Trail Locations
Trail 6 (anywhere along the entire trail) [Canfield Mountain]
Hayden Lookout [Canfield Mountain]
The Towers (top of trail 1) [Canfield Mountain]
Teepee (near gate at top of Shadduck DH section) [Canfield Natural Area]
Picnic Area [Mt. CdA]
Prize Claiming
At the July 24th event, find the LCTA booth.
Give the volunteer your name and they will have a list with the number of raffle tickets you won. You must be present to win.