Cancourse Work Party

An enormous thank you from LCTA to the 40 or so volunteers that showed up and helped on Cancourse this weekend. We appreciate you!

“The trail work party went extremely well yesterday. We got the whole trail path cleared (maybe with the exception of a couple more trees), and a whole lot of the lower trail scalped. Thank you all for your help both in promoting and participating. A huge thanks to Chris Caro and Mike Watrobka who both spent the entire day out there, sawing and otherwise prepping prior to the main event.”

Pump Track Update

A huge thanks to all of our amazing LCTA volunteers for coming out and participating in our Pump Track Build Day efforts. It means a lot that we can depend on our members to help out with these projects and continue to expand our impact in the community.


Update: Penn, 7, and 11 trails on Canfield Mountain have been cleared

Sasquatch and mountain bikes are now free to move about the mountain.